Our Services

Our Services

Adult Case Management

Case management through the Section 17 program provides adults with support in increasing their independence in everyday life. Case managers support clients through linking them to needed services such as mental health support, medical care, housing services, transportation, education, and employment opportunities. Case managers seek to support clients who are struggling with mental health conditions to become more independent in their communities and more able to navigate the systems with which they engage in their everyday lives, such as DHHS, Mainecare, FedCap, and the like.

Case managers often start with clients by providing them support in multiple areas of need, and then eventually titrate down the level of contact as clients develop and utilize the skills they have learned. Case managers are able to meet with clients in their homes or communities and can help clients based on their levels of need, from provision of basic resources such as food and shelter to assisting clients in obtaining employment and transportation through Modivecare & other community recourses. In order to qualify for this service, you must first be assessed by a clinician to determine whether you have a mental health condition(s) which would be accepted under the guidelines of the Section 17 program. This program serves individuals 18 years old and older.

Adult Case Services Available

Referrals for Medication Management​

Case Managers can help refer clients to appropriate prescribers of medication for their emotional health. Issues like anxiety, depression, and sleeping issues are among the many issues that can be eased with the addition of a medication management routine to existing mental health services.





Symptom Management​

Case Managers are able to support clients during difficult times by providing additional support around symptom management. Case Managers are trained in many interventions to help clients feel safe and at ease while in the community. They also coordinate with other treating providers such as therapists, so they are able to help clients practice individual coping skills at times of stress and while not in direct contact with a therapist. 




Natural Supports

Lots of people struggle to find their niche in their community, but we all need a place to fit in. CMs can help clients explore areas of interest and connect to other people who share their passions, needs or common purposes. By linking clients to other groups and resources in the community, CMs can assist clients in developing their ability to have friends and community members to rely on for support when it is needed.


CMs work with a wide variety of counselors, both at Gateway itself and in the larger community. They can help clients determine what type of therapy and therapist might be the best fit and can direct the process of referring the client and ensuring that therapy is meeting the client’s needs on an ongoing basis.


Having a safe, affordable place to live is a necessity for everyone. Unfortunately, we know that this is not always possible for some people at some points in their lives. CMs can help clients obtain better homes by helping them access housing subsidies, subsidized housing, or simply by helping clients look for new housing arrangements that are a better fit for their lives and families. CMs are skilled at helping clients negotiate issues with landlords, rental agencies and local housing authorities. They are often able to help homeless clients quickly find a place to live after time spent in shelters or other situations.


We know that immigration is a huge source of stress for many in our communities. CMs can help clients move through the immigration process by helping them schedule needed appointments, making referrals to local agencies who work with immigration, and in some special cases, can assist the clients directly as they navigate the process of green cards, citizenship, VISAs and the like.

Employment Opportunities and Training

Getting to work is an important goal for many clients, and sometimes there is specialized training that might be needed in order for people to achieve their employment goals. Case Managers can assist clients in engaging with employment-based services such as Vocational Rehab, in accessing training programs to prepare them to be job-ready, or simply by providing support during the job hunt and application process.


Whether a client is seeking to learn or improve their English, or wanting to access higher education, case management can be a helpful service to engage. Case Managers work closely with Adult Education programs throughout the state, and can assist clients as they work to attend ESL classes and improve their English. Case Managers are also knowledgeable about the college application and financial aid process for those who seek to obtain a higher education to pursue their dreams.

Benefits Support and Disability

Many people depend on programs like SNAP, TANF, and Mainecare to provide for themselves and their families. However, it can be a confusing process to engage with these organizations to obtain and maintain these much-needed benefits. Case Managers can help clients navigate DHHS and FedCap to ensure that their supplements and coverages are maintained. Other people may have come to the realization that work is not possible in their circumstances and they need to apply for disability. Case Managers can assist clients in working through the application and appeals process so that their claims have the best chance of a successful approval. 

Medical Support

Physical health is an important part of everyone’s mental health, and many people have ongoing or emergent medical needs that can dampen their quality of life and distract them from their goals. Case Managers can help link clients to the appropriate providers to best meet their medical needs, and can provide ongoing oversight and support for clients in realms of scheduling, follow-ups, prescription medication access, and specialist referrals.

Sammantha Johnson - Adult Case Management Manager
